Download Useful Apps for Your Windows Phone

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                                                       Quick Toolkit

When you search in the App Store, you can find applications to run flash light, find out information about the device or even delete temporary files. But using Quick Toolkit application can provide free time and trouble to install more than one application, providing more than a useful tool such as changing the background screen, reading QR codes in addition to a compass.
You can download it from Here

Fast for Facebook  Facebook with more features

Although you can browse Facebook using the browser or using a formal application, but some features may be incomplete, most notably the possibility of reviewing the situation horizontal location. So users can experience Windows Phone application Fast for Facebook FREE, which offers a lot of features that make it the best surf Facebook and enjoyable.
You can download it from Here

Surf the web better - UC Browser

Windows Phones Don’t have a lot of options in front of users to change the Phone navigation application on  the default  Internet browser is the first choice with the presence of some non-professional browsers. But users can experience the application of UC Browser, a free browser interfaces and beautiful features  an excellent choice for those wishing to move from the official browser. Browser offers a lot of features most notably the possibility to download files and store them on a memory card.
You can download it from Here

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